- My Fingers
- Various sex toys
- Carrot
- Courgette
- Leek
- Banana
- Small Soft Drink Bottle - neck only
- Wine bottle - ditto
- Pens
- Pencils
- Ruler - I was curious, ok?
- Candles - unlit! Actually now I think of it....
- Candles - lit
- Deodorant bottle - slim
- Headset Microphone - whilst on a call
- Mobile Phone - ditto; also when set to vibrate whilst I called myself
- Barbie Doll - legs only, way too pointy!
- Toy Gun Barrel - I'm messed up, ok?
- Toothbrush - Never used again!
- Hairbrushes
- Hair curlers - powered off and not hot, you freaks!
- A metal spoon - more curiosity, head first
- A chocolate bar - on command, and yes, eaten too
- My own underwear
- A string bag of marbles - don't ask!
- Soaps
And that's all I can think of for now, I'm sure I've missed a few out tho... If anyone has any novel suggestions I might enjoy, let me know!
Anyway back to the typing up for a bit then some bedtime possibly.
Sounds like quite the adventure!
They say a picture paints a thousand words but your words paint a thousand pictures
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